To dance in the elixir of life and love
Mandy – Am I ment to have a deep connection with this soul ? There is a man who keeps coming in and out of my life over the last few years. There is deep love but I block a deep connect everytime (I think he needs many). I really want alignment on all levels. Do we
have some promise to each other? Should I move on or just be and allow it to flow? Do I have amazing soul in my life in the future ?
Blessed, blessed one, yes you have had other lifetimes with this one. That is why this dance that is between the two of you, this fascinating, flirtation, this delicious pull and push between you. You know this one deeply and completely, and this one knows you. It’s not a bad thing to know there are parts of you that can be awakened by the fascination of this being. It does not mean you cannot love this one where this one is. Understand, you need to let yourself just be. To dance in the elixir of life and love, to see it for all it is. And know that each expectation you have is yours alone. Whether you place it on this one or on one yet to be—is up to you. You seek comfort, security, knowing. Would I call you a control freak? Part of you, yes, my dear. Part of you wants to know that tomorrow is
secure. And part of you wants to be able dance in the excitement of now. The condition is called being in the physical human form. Be not afraid to allow yourself to drift in the light. Be not afraid to soften your expectations. And know that there is a being for you. One that will laugh and find joy in your need to have everything nailed down. But will walk with you on your path. Yes dear, there is one for you.