Questioning….is it time to live solo?

Moving out

J – Dear guides, my living situation has become extremely uncomfortable. I go back and forth whether I should move out and live by myself. Sometimes it feels great and other times it is very painful. Is it time to move out?

Firstly, my blessed one, stop being angry.  Stop being angry with yourself.  Some of the conversations you have in that mind are just so harsh.  Love yourself, blessed one.  Understand how you found yourself in this place.  It is true you want some security and structure.  Do you have it?  You answer your own question.  Have you ever asked for it?  You answer your own question.

If I were to tell you exactly what to do, who would have done the growing?  I don’t need to grow, blessed one.  I am in a position of being much more at ease in spirit than you are in the physical.  So, being one who loves  to control things, why don’t you make a list?  Or, perhaps you should give yourself a time element and by that time you will know your answer.  Or, perhaps you should use your dreams.

Oh, blessed, dearest one, if you ask of yourself for an answer you will have it presented.  Trust, this is what you need to know.   And try to remember who you really are.  You are a bit of a chameleon.  Yes, you fit the mold for whatever is needed and then afterword you wonder why in earth did you ever decide that.  But while you were doing it you felt comfortable because you made others comfortable.  I don’t think you really want to be every shade of the rainbow.  You want to be who you are.  Bless you, my dear.

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  1. Searching Mother November 23, 2014 at 12:46 pm - Reply

    I would like to ask a question. Dear Guides, My son went missing a year ago, and my daughter died three months ago. Why have I lost both of my children?

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