
Hear the words of the spirit Guides and our guided meditation on our album:

Circles within Circles
Channeled Wisdom from Spirit
Session 1: You Are Not Alone

Hear the words of the Spirit Guides as channeled by Jane Kennard. These recordings offer the experience of being in the presence of the guides and hearing them speak. It includes conversations between Joanna and four different guides channeled by Jane. The topics are an introduction to the wisdom of the Spirit Guides. These beings of love are no longer in physical form. Their role is to assist us individually and collectively on our path.

This album also includes a guided meditation that brings light into your awareness and connects the mind and the heart. You can use this meditation every day to centre yourself in your spirit consciousness.

Here’s what’s included:

1. Introduction

2. Guide from the Light (who the guides are and how they connect with us)

3. High Energy Guide (how to communicate with our guides)

4. Universal Entity (living in chaotic times, ways to help the planet)

5. Dharou (life purposes and promises, soul evolution)

6. Guided Meditation