Gathering strength when one is exhausted: Jane Kennard, Circles Within Circles, Victoria, British Columbia

Gathering strength when one is exhausted

Gathering strength when one is exhausted: Jane Kennard, Circles Within Circles, Victoria, British Columbia

I am concerned about my tired, lethargic state. It takes me forever to wake up and on the weekends, I find I have nothing left in me. I would love to be active and exercise again. I’m clearly not absorbing iron. How can I heal this?

Your iron levels are low. You need to eat more minerals and vitamin C, lots of vegetables and lots of fresh fruit. But mostly, when you eat you mustn’t be stressed for the acids in your body, this is how you absorb iron and minerals and if you are too tense and uptight…and you do worry so, my dear. You try to be so perfect in many ways. You are still very concerned about others and this does drain you.

So, how to gather your strength again? Firstly, do not attempt strenuous exercise; oh, perhaps little walks, little movements, or if you are somewhere where you can, just move and wiggle and dance a few steps and get your heart beating and your circulation moving. Sluggish circulation is what you are feeling when you are feeling most exhausted. That can easily be rectified by wiggling your toes and moving and jumping and perhaps you don’t want to do it in a public place, but honestly it is all you need to do to help those moments. Be aware of how you are feeling, constantly.

Gathering strength when one is exhausted: Jane Kennard, Circles Within Circles, Victoria, British Columbia

If you all of a sudden realize you are saying to yourself “I am exhausted,” stop and say how does my body feel? And go from every part of you from your feet, to your fingertips, to the top of your head. Truly, just check in as to how you are exhausted mentally, or physically. If it is in your physical body do some wiggling and moving, some nice deep cleansing breaths. If it is in your mind from what you are thinking, then here you have control. You are the greater than the self. You created this body. Say, “Stop thinking that, it has no purpose in healing me,” and choose something better to think of.

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One Comment

  1. Joseph M Gronka March 19, 2016 at 8:06 am - Reply

    I agree with this. When wanting to exercise, one should have a goal in mind. Planning a routine to feel good, is far from the one that you would have to design for olympic competition.

    Exhaustion. Mental or physical or both. The lethargic state implies mental state with the physical state as secondary probably as a sign.. Maybe poor choice of words, but needs to be explored.

    Maybe poor social interaction or worse nonexistent.. Maybe not sleeping well during sleeping time.
    Loves to exercise, but is not. Not even procrastination? Like most of us.

    I would offer an non professional opinion, that this writer borders on depression. Not physical inability.

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