Missing her dog

Someone calling herself Missing My Dog writes, “Our dog passed away several years ago and I am still sad about it. I held him in my arms with his last breath. I still wondering if we could have done things differently to save him.  The other day I was thinking about these and I looked up into the clouds and I swear I saw a cloud outline of my precious dog. He was laying down in his “proud pose.” I guess my question is–did I really see this and does he have a message for me. I miss him dearly.”

The little dog, of course is a being of love and will stay quite close until this one has absorbed the love and learned it.  So it is not surprising that she will see this love in many things.  This is a very good thing.  Do not be sad, dear one. Feel that loss of spirit but know the love is still there.

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  1. Funtastic July 7, 2010 at 7:15 am - Reply

    Thank you for your channeling work. Your information is most helpful. My cat Tiger seems to have a respiratory condition that I have treated to eliminate for over a year now. I have been to the vet and trying vitamin C right now. Please tell me what I need to do for him so he can rid himself of this respiratory problem. It may be nasal or throat but it is in that general area. Also for my cat Brownie, do I need to have 1 or more of his remaining teeth removed. If so, would the vet in Birmingham, AL be a good one to do it? Thank you.

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