
A short excerpt from our April 2nd Evening with the Spirit Guides.  This was at the very beginning of the channeling when the first guide spoke.

GUIDE: Hello.

JOANNA:  I recognize this guide.  This is a guide who comes fairly often to our sessions where we ask the guides for answers to questions on our blog.  A beautiful, beautiful spirit.  Welcome.

GUIDE:  I am honoured.  I am honoured to use these vocal cords to speak to these gentle beings.

JOANNA:  Before we start, do you have….

(The guide takes a deep breath with a long exhale.)

JOANNA:  This guide just reminded me now with her breathing.  I asked her last week at a blog session if she had any advice for us about this evening, and she said—breathe, remember to breathe.  And that’s good advice for me, and probably good advice for everybody here.  So don’t forget to breathe, we can breathe together.  It helps our vibrations to unite.

GUIDE:  This unites all, to take a moment to breathe, to feel the air enter your body, the sound of it.  Feel your body has its tensions released with breath.  So many times when you dwell in the physical world you forget to breathe. And yet it is the life force.  You are all a part of the oneness.

Blessed beings all, there is a great deal of pain in this room, sadness, but beautiful hearts.  You see I see you not as bodies but as brilliant lights, each with a very different color.  Radiant, gentle beings, how might I help you?

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  1. Chanti August 10, 2011 at 10:09 am - Reply

    My dear guides ,
    I have so much confusion concerning energy and vibration field .I have been listen and watch some movie ” The shift ,The Teaching of Abraham what concist on the Law of attraction ,the last movie I was watching is the Living Matris .” They seem all the same to me and get frustated and upset with myself because deep down I know what they are talking about and the other part seem I cannot bring to me what I wish and vision for myself . So, I tell myself I most do something wrong to not be able to bring the love ” I mean the special person with who I want to grow physicaly and spiritualy with ” Is it possible I am pushing this away ? Is it possible maybe it is him ?So I would like some guidance concerning and I have ask guidance to my guides but it seem I am meeting the wrong man to me .Why is that ?
    I feel upset with myself to feel so needy right now for someone , I usually feel strong on my owne as a woman and does not feel I need someone to make me feel special .I guess in the last month I fel more depress concerning this love situation in my life.
    Before I left home to come to France I was told ” I was going to go to France for sure and meet wonderful people and I have and you well meet as well your soul mate.” Course I thaugh it was a bit to much but I told myself why not .I derserve it I derserve finally after everything in my past marriage I could meet my soul mate in France .I do want to beleive this what do I have to loose really ? But now times past and soon I will be returning home and I still have not met the wonderful man I am supposed to .So my question is , Is it possible I am not conscious of what I am doing and I am sending the wrong vibration out there and sending the wrong energy . And it is the reason why I have not met this wonderful man for me ?
    I know I have done a lot of grow concerning this issue with love and loving myself and I know as well I still have some grow to do but is it possible you could still be with someone and be able to do some grow of what ever situation occure in your life.
    I am not please with myself to ask yo uthis question because I feel sad and needy and I hate to feel this way but in the same time my guides I am tired of being alone and experience traveling alone and just be alone .I have really enjoyed my time alone in the past tow years and even more and now I feel I really derserve like any body else happinesss in this physical world like I wish .Is it to much to ask ? Or I am dreaming to much and I am not real of my situation in my life at this moment ?
    I have mix feeling of leaving France one part of me would like to stay here for a few years and the other part of me understand I need to go back home Victoria for some reason because I am alone and I have no home now I sold my condo to be here and feel a bit worry I will be finish my life alone and never experience love again .
    I am asking my dear guides would it be in my future finally that I do have this person with who I could have love again ?
    Thank you

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