A gentle reminder of unconditional love

Annonymous2 – It doesn’t seem like quite the right time to have another companion animal but I keep seeing a dog around me again. Is this just my obsessive mind? Also, I had a vivd dream about my recently passed over dog that felt like a spirit visit. Any guidance on this would be appreciated. Thanks!

Dearest one, of course, that dream was a visit.  Of course, that being is still very close to you reminding you of unconditional love and you must truly seek out another being to fill you with joy.  You often feel quite alone and this is true about animal companions they help you to realize unconditional love, that you can live and be alone but also feel the love of many.  They teach love, so bring it on to you.  Bring it forth, blessed one.  Be not afraid to love, unconditionally.  You will hear and you will go and seek it.  It shall be.

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