Start loving yourself as you would love a beautiful child

Elizabeth writes:Dear Ladies and Guides,

My health is deteriorating. I believe my iron levels and Vitamin D are very low, which is why I have trouble breathing. My knees hurt. I’m scared that I’m not well, currently I have a migrane & my bowels are not working well. This all might be happening because I am so angry, I have resentment, I’m getting very lonely and I’m experiencing envy which I’m deeply ashamed of. I’m trying to change my state and I can’t seem to do it. I’m not very good at this, I feel like I have just arrived and I’ve no idea what I need to do. I don’t want to cry anymore, I just can’t be so sad anymore I think enough is enough. I don’t want to leave my mother & father, and I do want to give it a try but I’m terrible at this. I just can’t be so sad anymore, this just can’t go on. I think I need external help, I can’t seem to do this on my own. I don’t even know what to ask for, however if you can point me to a road I’ll follow it. Thank you.

The guide’s response:

Dearest one, you are filled with anxiety and fear.  The anger is a result of the fear of not knowing how to take steps to be.  You are very closely attached to those you love.  You feel their entire burden is upon you.  But it isn’t!  This is your choice: to accept that.

If you step outside of that to witness your own life you would be the first one giving advice. Go and seek other beings your age to talk, to gently find that that you need.  This is not going to happen quickly, for you have struggled with this for a long time.  Be gentle with your soul, blessed one.  Be gentle with your being; be not so harsh.

Self negativity is so destroying your sense of being, your gentle wonder.  Yes, you could seek counselling but in a form that is most healing for you.  It must be with one you would feel complete trust that you could speak all manner of things.  There lies deep within you a sense of guilt and obligation that is is lucidly connected with something that happened from a very long time ago.  You do need to speak of this with one you feel very safe with.

Stop being harsh with yourself.  Start loving yourself as you would love a beautiful child.  Love yourself.  Love the beauty that lies within you, the gentle sweet need to see all beings happy, well, strong.  If you do not feel confident enough to seek counsel, and if there is no one that you trust, then begin quietly speaking to the great light of the beings that surround you.  You could write it in a small booklet, in pen if you wish.  But take a moment each day to write to those that are with you and helping you.

Greater than mother and father these beings will help you through your path.  They will never desert you. They will never expect of you anything other than to love yourself.  To allow yourself the growth that is necessary you must begin by loving yourself.  A simple task and yet one that weighs so heavy upon many. So quickly you forget in each moment when you arrive in your physical domain.

You do not need to carry the growth of others. Child, you cannot do their work for them.  You can only do yours.  And understanding this is loving yourself and trusting that they will do what they need to do.  Ask again, my child.  Seek quiet, gentle wisdom. Hold a crystal or amulet, whatever you feel might give you some inner strength.  Your world is there to be, to help you be.  Try to understand this that you created, the world you live in.  A greater sense of knowing what you need  to learn creates this. The spirit sense helps you through it.  I love you my child, you are not alone.

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  1. RobbieMikey April 7, 2012 at 3:18 am - Reply

    Dear CircleswithinCircles,this is an amazing site and your hard work is so very much appreciated by us all,thank you for any words you can offer as a precious gift…Do I have any gifts or talents that i can work on at the moment?Its seems to be important for me to find a positive way to help others onto the spiritual path.I experience the darkness on my own and have never really spoken to another human being about it….It seems to worry people and they dont understand…Everything i try to build falls down and nothing is working at all at the moment….All my friends have jobs and girlfriends and their own houses and they find my practices very strange and even dangerous…my family think exactly the same and will never understand me…i havnt a clue what to do…i just keep getting hurt….i hope i can get stronger and become a better more capable person who can deal with just the simple things in life which are a huge challenge to me…just dressing myself,eating and drinking and going out into crowds have become very difficult for me…Im so grateful to all who make this site and communication possible.Thank you all the way to the moon and back and reaching out by every little star far across galaxies to the land of foreverness….May the Divine bring you all special blessings by day and the Angels kiss your dreams at night!

  2. maurice April 7, 2012 at 4:08 pm - Reply

    hi there! i have a (weird) question to ask! I always thought that i have the gift to help lost spirits to show them the way to the light.. or talk to them. Can I?? or it’s only my immagination. and if i can….how? thks maurice

  3. Elizabeth April 25, 2012 at 12:28 pm - Reply

    Thank you!! I wasn’t aware I was being so harsh even though I had a f riend who said I was only weeks ago. Now that I think of it my parents are harsh, they used to be like that with me and themselves, in fact they still are, so this really opens my eyes to so many other things. I cannot be angry with them, I just love them to bits.
    Kiss kiss

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