Seeing your path as beautiful


Dear guides – Will I have my own home in the next 12 months, and will I need a partner for this to be achieved? You previously said ‘those that love you will join you’ . . Are they close & have we met? I remain hopeful that I will recognize my own spirit connection one day! Many thanks for all of your advice and kind words x

And what are you really asking, my dear?  Will I be happy? Will I be alone?  Will I have what I think everyone else has while having a wonderful time?

Blessed one, it can all be if it is for the growth.  There must be some difficulty for therein lies the opportunity of growth.  Discomfort should not something you should be afraid of.  It is telling you there are opportunities at hand to heighten your vibration through your actions, your choices.

Do not look out at others to see how they are doing.  See your path as beautiful, fruit filled lanes with many little places along it where you can stop and rest and take in all the wonder of it.  Do not rush to the end for your path is filled with riches.  That if you do not take time, you will only pass them by.  It is not time in months, but knowing the depth of your being and a warmth in your heart that you are calling to the one that calls to you.

Bless you my child.  You are not alone.

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  1. curious1 October 25, 2012 at 1:53 am - Reply

    Many thanks Ladies & Guides.

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