Advice for one with cancer

Lynn asks about her friend who has been battling prostate cancer for over a year.  He was told there was nothing that could be done but he got a second opinion and had surgery that removed the tumour. She says, “He is still sick and still has some cancer. Will he win this battle? He is trying to be positive.”


This dear one was right to continue to search and to find the being to help him.  He must understand  he is part of his healing, that he is in control of his being.   He thinks to be healed and so it shall be.   He must realize that he truly has the ability to put right his being.   Every body carries these cells at time to time.   This one was always being gentle and then then went into this panic.  Fear can create more of a discord within the body.   Gentle one, act upon your health.   Make your body very alkaline.  Eat pure, clean food and be in happiness while you consume it.  Find joy and find peace.  Find beauty to look upon.  Seek the greater good within all beings and in yourself my dearest.  Winning is being, so be, my child, and all will be well.

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  1. g. December 16, 2009 at 1:29 pm - Reply

    Some big changes are coming up in my life… My work contract is coming to an end and I don’t have any work/income secured for after March 2010. Part of me trusts that something will come along, but I also want to make sure that I am doing all that I can to be open to oppourtunities. I’m not sure if my next move will be in a new organisation, in a new town, back to school, overseas… it’s one big question mark. Do you have any words to guide me through the next few months? I know to trust because the perfect thing will present itself, but is there something specific I should focus my energies on? Or is there something I can do to decide what to focus on?Thank you,g.

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