Direction on starting an amazing project
KF says she is compelled to start an amazing project. She says the constant visuals make her believe that this project is meant to be. She asks “Can you please give me any direction or advice on how to make it what I see. Thank you.”
She must continue in this way and draw fully. She has a brilliant mind in many ways and many visions she has known of what is to be. She is wondering if she has created them, or if they were there for her to find. She is both willing and able to succeed in this amazing task.
Be open to all things in many different areas. Yes, dearest one, open, speak, be clear. For physically and intellectually you will be drawn to teach, to help others. To help others communicate is a great thing, blessed one, for you have received, for you are very wise.
For the past 2 years I have spent a lot of time travelling and seemingly trying to run away from myself. I have decided to return back home and settle for a little while. I feel as though I am ready to get to the root of why I hold myself back, and start to put myself out there. My question is this. “I am looking at going back to school at the end of this year. It seems like getting the funding might be difficult. Do you think that it is the right time and/or program for me?”Thank you very much… Andrea
Dearest guides, I feel as though I am floundering in all this responsibility. I am working so hard to play financial catch up, but I realize I am losing a big part of myself in the process. I feel broken in body and spirit, but am unsure how to find balance. I want to support my partner in regaining her health, but fear I am losing mine in the process. My question is “how do I find balance in the chaos?” Thank you for your truth and guidance, Stacy