Jane Kennard, spiritual channeler, spirit wisdom, circles within circles

Jane Kennard’s Psychic Medium and Channeling Abilities And How They Developed

From as far back as I remember, I’ve had an awareness of a being that was with me–a gentle, calm presence who would talk to me when I was upset or confused. To me, it seemed normal. I thought that everyone had this awareness and could hear what their guides were saying. It wasn’t until I went to school that I realized other people did not see or hear what I did, so I began to keep quiet about it.

As a teenager, I played with my abilities, more as a parlor trick than anything else. I liked to tell people things about themselves that nobody else could know. Then my sister died and I began a search for my own truth. I began to read books, take classes, talk to psychics, and investigate everything I could find about spiritual understanding. People gave me a lot of rules and restrictions about contacting spirit entities, but my guide always told me there was nothing to fear. I know this with all my being: that nothing in spirit can harm you. The guides will never say anything destructive or harmful. Their words are always supportive and designed to create growth.

As my abilities developed I started to give a few people individual “readings.” During these sessions, I would receive impressions of their guides and would share this information. Sometimes, while I was doing these readings, I would experience an overwhelming feeling of losing touch with my body. Speaking would become difficult and I felt like I was falling or flying– so I would immediately stop the process. One day a friend suggested that we go with it and see what might happen. I remember the beginning of that session and then nothing more. When I awoke and apologized for falling asleep, my friend told me that she had just had a conversation with an amazing being named Thomas. That was the beginning of channeling for me.

From that time on, I continued to explore and search. I formed study groups and healing circles and continued on this amazing journey. When I channel I begin by tuning in to the energies around the people that I am with. If the session is for an individual, I will see a few beings and hear their words. If it’s for a group, I’ll see a huge crowd of beings and feel their support and love. I take a deep breath, bringing light into every part of my body; I say my own little prayer and ask my guide to take care of me. Then it’s like flying away. I have no knowledge of the words that come through, but trust that they would be acceptable to me. When I return I feel calm and peaceful.

Sometimes I’m asked why I can do this when others are not able to. I believe it’s a talent—like having an artistic ability or perfect pitch. It comes more easily to some people, however we all have the capability to learn. If you would like to develop this ability, I would suggest searching out classes and reading books. Speak openly of your desire and you will be led in the direction that is right for you. How do you know if it’s right? Let your heart lead you. Listen within yourself for what resonates and feels true for you. We all have different ways of connecting with spirit.

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  1. janjan May 22, 2008 at 5:41 pm - Reply

    was given the chance to seea channeller recently who told me a lot about my guides, who they are are why – I had an AHA moment at this point. Also my past lives. I chose to come back for one last time. This morning after reading your website, I was overcome with realisation and grief both at the same time. Now I know why I came back. I have started to channel messages from my guides and angels and this to me is a bit scary. Fear is what has always held me back in the past. But I have worked with it and am gradually releasing the fear that has imprisoned me for so long. My guides find me amusing, they know that I am stubborn and sometimes refuse to see the obvious, they are aware that it might take a few times of being “hit in face with a wet kipper” before I realise that i am been shown something or they are trying to get through to me. I was told I have many many guides, some are just as light others have form. I believe I have seen the ones with form in meditations and throughout periods in my life when I have needed guidance. Coming to your site I believe I was guided, reading the words written was like a validation of all I have started to believe, that I am on the right path to find my truth.I am not asking a question for I believe I have found my answer. Deep in my heart it was there all the time.Thank you

  2. Joanna June 11, 2008 at 12:23 pm - Reply

    janjanBoth of us are happy that you found some validation and support from this blog. Do continue with your meditations to connect with your spirit guidance. Fear is so often what holds us back and it’s wonderful that you are now trusting what resonates within your heart.

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