Is this relationship worth saving?

backflip_by_mariposamorpho-d2yd4juFriend writes: 

I am writing this on behalf of my friend, who would like to ask you these questions:
She is in a difficult time once again and she would like to know if her relationship with her partner is worth saving and working on.

She wants to know if it is going to be worth while, and worth continuing, or if it has ran its course. If it is worth continuing to put energy into, what is the purpose or lesson it is trying to show?  Thank you.


Your dear friend has been knocking her head against a wall for a long time.  Doing back-flips, trying to gain the other’s attention.  And the other one is a star, a shining star.  He has all the world’s attention, except your friend.  She must seriously decide what is right for her.  She must find peace within herself.  What is it she wants?  Happiness?  Exhaustion?  Loneliness, when everyone else seems so happy?  The quiet talk she has with herself, she never follows through with.  You knew asking for her.  Blessed one, look at her and tell her she knows what she must do. Love her, and give her the space to be.  Bless you.

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