What kind of careers are needed in the world right now?
Guide – Everything is needed. New souls do not like to take on learning so there will be many beings just wanting the quick job, something without too much depth. And your very evolved beings will still be in school with their nose in a book. That’s why you feel this imbalance. You need teachers, teachers in every form. And teachers have to take in, they have to trust in the evolution of mankind.
New souls don’t care; they are beautiful and sparkly but they don’t care. They want what they can get for themselves now. “Let’s not worry about tomorrow. Let’s not worry if the trees are not there. Let’s not worry if oil covers the ocean. Right now, there’s money in my jeans, which have some fancy label. But don’t be angry with them. Embrace them and find a way to communicate. Embrace. Find a way.
So encourage your children to find things to heal other beings, to find things they find joy in, and it will never be a burden, but a passion. And your children are ancient beings. All of you have them. And it’s not an easy path for an evolved being. First of all, they don’t like being children. They are frustrated by being small. They want people to listen to what they are saying. And people often don’t take a young child’s world as having great weight. They are impatient, they are frustrated by it taking so long, but once given the great opportunity and the support of love, there will be no stopping them.