A difficult promise with a brother
Hi guides, Could you provide some insight about my relationship with my brother? many thanks.
The guide’s response:
This has been a difficult promise for you. You chose to learn something with this being and yet you still feel very confused about all of it. At times there seems to be a knowing and at times such a distance and an unknowing that you feel you are from different worlds. It is true. You have come from different worlds. But there was a time, a very, very long time ago where the two of you united in a great battle. And you will again find that your one time of union will be under a difficult time. How to approach at first?
Just simply when you are with this being, do not give answers. Speak from your heart, but I know that you are trying to protect your heart. You are afraid if you put your neck out you will get it slapped. Try to just hold the space around you when you are in the presence of this one. Your frustration, your wanting to help and not being accepted, is a back and forth. But you know that there lies within this being a good being that has had such difficulty expressing any of it. And, in many ways, you feel unable to help. Just simply hold the love. If he speaks, just hear it and do not judge. See this being in the totality of who he be. There are many things that occurred and it is to the greatness of your spirit that you still want to be in the presence of this one. You have great respect and love all around you. Bless you my child.