A difficult relationship with the family

Jennifer asks about the difficult relationship she has with her family.  She says, “We are no longer speaking.  I feel really lonely but they hurt me deeply and I don’t know what to do.  I feel like I’m getting validation from the other side in the form of hearts and feathers.  Is that true?

Dearest Jennifer, most definitely the beings of light that surround you are there.  They are with you, they support you. Often in the times of greatest growth you might feel somewhat alone, but know that you are not.

When people around you are toxic,  their energy can overwhelm, so you are wise to know what you need to do for your own growth, for your being.  Seek happiness.

When you think of your family, surround them in light.  Send the love from your heart that is so true and worry not of the response.  But know that this is an action of pure love, that this might help them in time, to heal them.

Healing yourself is your utmost importance at this time.  You are loved my child.

Talking about it is good, and healthy.  But remember it is your own choices that are most important.  See them for your own growth now. In time there will be an opportunity and you will have a choice to speak to them again.  But do not think of that now.  Think of healing the wound.   Remember your truth and you will do well, my child.

Thank you.  I’ll pass these words on to Jennifer.

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  1. Emily October 23, 2009 at 9:21 pm - Reply

    My daughter was killed when hit by a truck when she was 12 years old. I am wondering if there is any message from her to me, and to her sister, who has grieved terribly as well.

  2. Anonymous October 23, 2009 at 9:41 pm - Reply

    I understand there are many ways to channel. I understand that I already do in some ways. I feel I may be able to channel in the same way Jane does. When in stillness, if I let go can I do this?

  3. Sandra October 24, 2009 at 12:36 pm - Reply

    Lately, I have felt like so many aspects of my life are in the hands of others – finances and health being the two that weigh most in my thoughts. I am trying to understand whether I create my universe or whether I am to be guided by the universe. Where is the balance point between these two, seemingly conflicting thoughts. Blessings and gratitude!Sandra

  4. quiet mist man October 24, 2009 at 2:19 pm - Reply

    Many years ago I watched a television series which documented a circumnavigation of the world by a tall ship. I felt strongly that this was something I wanted to do and I had a vision of my being aboard. In the vision there was a wound of some kind that someone carried and I helped to facilitate healing.I join the ship on April 8 2010 and we set sail on May 1st. A few years ago someone was washed overboard in a storm and lost at sea. I feel the captain is carrying guilt for having chosen not to sail with the ship on that voyage. It seems he feels the life would not have been lost had he been there.Can you guide me?Quiet Mist Man

  5. Jason Smeraka October 24, 2009 at 3:06 pm - Reply

    Hello. All my life I’ve been a strong creative soul. With all my efforts, every goal and dream I’ve had has turn to dust and never even close to being fulfilled; goals of being a professional actor, writer, of traveling the world, of having a career that is meaningful to me. Now, as I turn 39 in a few months, I look at my life and feel only disappointment with my life, and betrayed by Life. Nothing I do brings my goals to completion, and I feel no sense of hope. I dare not dream because it would be another failure. What do I need to do to believe, trust, and achieve something meaningful for me?Jason

  6. Sandi October 25, 2009 at 1:09 pm - Reply

    My husband Mike is trying very hard to quit smoking. Can you help us identify what is blocking or preventing him from freeing himself from this habit? Thank you!Sandi

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