A guide who once served at Vimy Ridge, speaks of remembrance
I thought I should come and say a few things about times of remembrance. It is a good thing to stop in the middle of your world, in your busyness to remember, even if it is just a grocery list. It is an important thing to stop for a while because you can’t remember, or have memories, if you are so busy filling your life with so many things. And moving forward doesn’t mean that you cannot stop and remember. It doesn’t mean that it will change the moving forward, but you can’t understand the whole of who you be and how you have grown and changed without using that amazing gift of memory. For many, the memory can be very healing.
It is sometimes through the memory of many that they heal their beings. Setting aside a whole day is the societies need to try to mark something. You have, all in your physical world, have a great need to mark things and to leave a place. And yet you know when you leave your physical world there is no marks of you. What is left is the energy that you have left in the hearts of those that you have touched; those you have helped; those you have loved.
There are thoughts that taking care of yourself means not taking care of your brother, or your other loved ones. When a being of spirit speaks to you that it is time to take care, and to know who you be and find your truth, it is in that process that you can then love others and take care of others. When you love yourself wholly and totally and realize the creation you have made in this body and this opportunity of growing, and you love it with the wholeness of being, you then have room to love others and take care for others and nurture them.
It is not about just being separate and alone and loving yourself and adorning yourself with beauty, that is not loving yourself. That is still a state of frailty, of non-assuredness about who you might be.
So, it is good to remember. Wear your flower if you wish in this time. Do not be concerned about how to remember, or what. There are many rules in your world that don’t always fit and there is much to do with history that does not have to do with now. But you are all doing very well.
May I ask who you are?
Oh, I’ve had a number of names and I don’t think any of them really fit now. Names are something that only you need in your physical domain. When you are without a body and you flow through and into one another, we just need sounds to say “I am here.”
Have you come through before with our Circles?
Oh, I’ve spoken through this little gal many times, but perhaps not for a while. I wanted to come. I was present at Vimy Ridge. I knew the cold dampness, the terrible festering sores, the suffering of those beings and their great desire just to go home. They were just young, young babies, all of them.
It was a very difficult time. People went with a great altruistic view of how they were going to change things. And really when they were there they realized, here we are, young people fighting young people and not knowing why. It is true, politicians should be put in a room together and leave everyone else alone.
It was an answer then, war. It doesn’t have to be an answer anymore.
There are wars still going on now.
Yes. And now more innocents are killed that aren’t even in a trench, they did not even choose to sign up. War is never the answer, not even for a new soul although they truly love it. I see they even make games of it. It is not to be worried about. Your societies are growing.