A meeting that awakens feelings

Jane writes, “I  recently met a man (J.S.)for whom I felt an attraction. Is there a purpose to our meeting? Thank you.”

Of course.  There is some element of chance involved in your physical world.  This meeting might not be what you would think it is, my child.  It might be for the purpose of awakening a part of you that you have discarded. To make you feel.  To make you feel.  So just simply put it in your pocket and let it grow.  Do not limit it.  Do not have expectations of it.  For all actions on your path to be taken up as little elements of learning  may be not at this moment, but for one yet to come.  So why not allow it to be and let it grow.

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  1. maurice September 8, 2010 at 2:40 pm - Reply

    i feel very lonely! I dont know why, because i’m not living alone,but i feel that, there’s nobody for me in this world. i will like to know if i will find someone soon? tks

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