A new love, an instant connection

Sandy asked about a man she met a couple of months ago while visiting another city. She says, “There was an instant connection. I feel very at ease and at peace with him, and he feels the same with me. Even when we’re apart we can “feel” the other’s presence and sense their mood and thoughts. There is also a strong physical attraction. Because I live in another city several hours away and am recently separated from my husband we are taking things slowly even though we both would like to spend every spare moment together. I have never felt this strongly about anyone before; could it be a soul mate or twin flame connection?”

Blessed, blessed one, rejoice in your amazing energies, in both of you. Be in that energy. Have not expectations or limitations but welcome that that is–in the moment of now. Choices, there are many. Understandings are too many. Be in the love that you feel, the excitement. It is an amazing power. This is a reunion. Have no expectations and allow it to grow to a most beautiful flower. It will bear fruit if you allow it love, sunshine and space.

As to your wanting to put limitations as to your mate or twin soul, these are words that your society has formed to try to contain an understanding. Release yourself my child and be. If those around you need words, allow them to use words. If it gives you comfort, then accept them. But do not limit the energy that you be or that love is.

Thank you. I’ll pass these words on to Sandy.

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  1. janjan July 20, 2009 at 5:42 pm - Reply

    Oh flip, my mind is all over the place, I posted my comment to my previous post from last year on that actual post – Dec 11th 08.I am not always such a rambling idiot, low blood sugar I think (thats my excuse and I’m sticking to it). Perhaps my reply is not meant to be read, who know what the universe has in store.I just wanted to thank you both belatedly for a wonderful reply.Jan

  2. Joanna July 20, 2009 at 7:29 pm - Reply

    Hi Jan and thanks for the feedback. I’m glad the response was helpful. I’ve put a comment on your original post.

  3. Anonymous July 21, 2009 at 5:23 am - Reply

    Thank you. I will do my best to enjoy and live in these feelings without expectations(it truly is an amazing power). Sandy

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