A past life confirmation

Almandine writes:

What my last life like? Was I man or woman(I think I was a man)? What was my personality? What did I do for work? What were my more “challenging” qualities(what did I need to work more on in myself?)
Also, I wanted to know if I was ever a mother to my friend Zack? Or was I ever his boyfriend/husband when he was a woman in his other lives? Thank you so much and blessing to you!

The guide’s response:

Yes, you’ve had many lifetimes with your friend Zack.  That is why you have such compassion and such frustration with this one.  You two have had promises back and forth many times.  In your most previous incarnation, you are correct, you were in male form hot tempered, beautiful, but very easy to spark.  And so patience is something you have to learn now but I won’t tell you all of what you have come to learn. You are truly a beautiful being.  Many things you are feeling intuitive about are your truth, allow it to unfold.

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  1. missdynamicsoul February 6, 2011 at 4:44 pm - Reply

    I’m asking if you would tell me about my past lives. Also, could you tell me about my connection with my grandson, Brome? Thank you so much for this site, I look forward to reading all your messages, at times I can use what you have said to others for myself and my growth. Much love & light!

  2. almandine February 11, 2011 at 9:05 pm - Reply

    Thank you for answering my question.. I wanted also ask you guys…I have a lot of trouble with believing in myself. It’s like I am afraid to make a mistake and so I do not manifest the many wonderful ideas that I have that could help people.

    Also, I can’t figure out if I am selfish or self preserving…I feel as though I want to be an activist and help to change the world. But I feel all of these people(activists), while their deeds/notions are very loving, that they are very cerebral(which allows them to not get to involved emotionally). I am not so cerebral, and I feel like these people often times, while they may love the world, have trouble committing and loving one person when it comes to relationships. Why is that, when they have so much love for the world that they cannot love one person honestly? I’m not like that. Is it possible for me to do the great things that I want to, but still find someone that I could love completely and have children with? Or would that loving, deep relationship aspect of my life soften me too much and make me a poor activist? And is it wrong to want to commit to one person? Thank you, love and light

  3. Sarah February 28, 2011 at 4:24 pm - Reply

    Dear spirit guides.
    There is one very important person that came into my life a few years ago that i had an instant connection with. What is connection is with Donna, my former mother-in-law?
    The first time my eyes met Donna’s eyes i felt such a deep unconditional love, i remember having tears in my eyes and the feeling i had just found something very special that i had lost a long long time ago. Such a strong connection… the deepest i have every felt in this life time, it feels like a very ancient loving deep connection, one that i struggle to find the words to describe. I have never felt this before and feel closer to her than my own mother. I now live in new zealand again and have not seen Donna for over 12 months now and miss her dearly.

    The one other question i want to ask is, If i will ever get financial compensation for the medical misadventure accident that happened to me four years ago?? I still struggle daily with the disabilities it has caused and the impact it has had and still has on my personal relationships (with partners and family) and the large impact it has had on my career. I am determined to keep doing personal training and want to start my own business from home doing this but can’t do without money to set it up. I am afraid i will not be able to continue this career choice and that i will get no financial assistance for what happened to me that i feel i deserve. Will i also have to change my career choice??

    Thank you for so much or your widom and light you provide me with.

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