A powerful light stronger than any other energy, lies within
I share time with a friend. She is a street person and has had a very difficult path. She says she drinks because of her grief; she has lost all of her family members except for one. Is there something you can say that I can tell her that can alleviate some of the pain in her heart?
Still photo from “Us and Them” a documentary on homelessness and addiction to be released Spring 2014.That she has a beautiful light and does lie within her is God. She wants to believe there is a power greater than herself, and there is and it lies within her. The self she imagines she is, she is not. That is just something that has evolved out of not choosing for herself what she needed. It is as if one step follows another without her stopping and waiting to see what her true being wants.
She is intensely creative and is trying very hard to numb all of that creativity and to stifle that amazing passion of heart. She fears pain and now fears fear, she feels the loss. But she is fearing things that have not even yet occurred, or even if they will occur.
So, to stop, to touch her body, to look directly into her eyes and tell her she is the most powerful light stronger than any other energy that lies within the creator of who she be. And yes, she must own this creation that she has right now. For right now, in this very moment, she can choose to create differently. She is not that thought, that negative, that pain. She is greater than it.
She has survived unbelievable turmoil; does she not see how strong that energy is? This beautiful gentle flower has been trod on. The winds of life have ripped her back and forth, no nourishment for a long time in the way of love and caring and yet a fire still burns within her. She can be exactly what she wants. But she must want it.
She must talk to that negative talk within her being and say “No, not any more. I AM, therefore I BE. I am a counselor, I am an artist, I am a healer, I am a being of absolute perfection with the greatest gift of all and that is this life I walk in. For in this life I can make anything! I can create, I can change, I can move mountains!
You, my dear one, see this light in your friend and that is why you ask. You see the light in others. You have walked in many lifetimes and that is why you identify with pain. You identify with the going down of the being and not being able to find that light anymore. And so, you reach for them and grab on. Part of you feels sad that you could not hold on to and make them sad. Don’t always feel that way, my dear, even if the second they had of understanding they had a choice; you did your work. Bless you my child.