A question about an unknown sibling

CAT   writes:  

My question to the spirit guide is this: My family and I would like to know if our father had another child after I was born? Male or female and possibly a name? Thank you so much.

The guide’s response:

You amuse me why you ask this question.  You all of a sudden have an awareness of this man, or father, this one you call father, that has shaken you.  How much is important to know?   Yes, there is another being in a physical body in your world.  I will not give you a name or a sex because that is not the important part   The important part is to know that this being may come one day to see you and to embrace this one and love this one.  That is all you need to know.

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  1. anonymous March 25, 2012 at 10:06 pm - Reply


    We are very worried about Tom. Why can’t he take care of himself, and what can be done to really help him? I have been passive and pessimistic while other family members have tried to help him in the past, but maybe that has been a mistake. I feel a sense of fear for him now.

    Thank you for your help.

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