A Sign Or Symbol To Represent The Growth Of Human Beings
Many years ago now, I asked my Guide for a sign or symbol that I could use to represent the growth of human beings. His answer was a circle within a circle. That we will be presented with the same issues and conditions until we grow, returning around the circle, but each time with increased energy or what we’d call knowledge. Not a flat circle but a spiral increasing with each opportunity to grow.
Today as we see war again in our world, a world that I believed in the ’60s would have evolved past greed and hate, I am realizing it was my want that we would have moved beyond the killing of each other, that wars proved only going backwards.
In my meditation today I asked, why must we continue to do this? My Guide’s answer was, you have choices. Your choices can create growth or prevent it. Every choice creates energy. Your world will give you opportunities, it’s up to all Beings to choose forward movement. Though your paths are individual for your own growth, you are all of one energy and each being’s choices can affect all.
Do not think we in spirit don’t weep. We don’t have bodies for physical pain, it is pain from love lost, interrupted growth.
Your lives are opportunities beyond your comprehension, the manifestation of love has no boundaries.
Be willing to trust, to listen and speak the truth. Don’t turn away from other’s paths. Know that each of you on your path should have space and grace in order to grow. Look upon yourselves with love and kindness. Teach love and kindness. Be strong when others are weak. Be present in your life. All Beings must have love to move forward to grow, to create peace. Your present world may look very complex but truths are still very simple.
This is so beautiful and inspiring. We all need to act at this pivotal time.