Allow the energies to flow for you are part of a greater circle.


Mike – I recently fell off my bike resulting in a hip fracture.  How can I help to heal this injury so that the bones mend and I don’t have to have a possible total hip replacement?

How do I make sense of this self-caused accident -no car crashed into me?  Is this my wake up call to myself to start living more consciously? I think of the ways I probably helped make this injury/crisis happen-which doesn’t help me.  Thanks in advance for any guidance.

Dear, dear, beautiful one.  While you were at that gathering, that party that was held for you, you were so uncomfortable.  You did not want to receive the love that was offered to you.  You found it very uncomfortable.

Your perception and ability to read others is so very clear.  But you do not read yourself very well, my dear.   You have a difficulty accepting love from others, accepting thanks or just simply accepting their need to be with you.  You know exactly how they are feeling and you’re too busy judging outside of yourself what is expected instead of feeling exactly what you need to feel, one with others.

You’ve kept many at a distance for a very long time and this did stop you in your tracks.  You did have to put your being in the hands of others.  You did have to receive the help from others under a very clinical, technical way, yes, my dear.   But it did help the door to receiving, believe it or not, guised in many ways as an accident.

You wanted to be put in the hands of love, to be held, to be taken care of.  You needn’t worry about having a hip replacement unless you want that my dear, then it will come to you.

Why do you suppose you hold everyone at a distance wanting just to give and not to receive?  Have I touched on something, my dear?  Yes, I have.  You are afraid to burden others.  You want always to make sure you leave them in better shape than when you arrive with them.  Yet, what happens to you?  An empty battery, an empty hole in your heart.  Yes, it is true you can give too much without receiving, or taking time to replenish for you.

Oh, you find ways through music or walking, pets perhaps.  Oh, the human touch is very important.  Take physio therapy, take touch massage and every way under which any umbrella you wish to call it.  You need to be touched, my dear.  You need to open to needing other people, not just for monetary reasons or a job but needing them for your spirit, for you to survive to grow, to be.  Blessed one, you are not burdening anyone.  Allow the energies to flow for you are part of a greater circle.  Don’t be afraid to receive.  Bless you, my dear, for you are loved.

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  1. Maria May 14, 2014 at 7:17 am - Reply

    I am really concerned about my job.I am on office leave for the past 2 years and my leave period is ending v soon.I want to continue my job and join my office but my husband wants me to quit job and take care of our baby instead and stay with him at a location different from my office place.
    I am concerned that if I dont join office then the career break wouldnt allow me to work again in future.I would like to know what should I do now.Should I listen to him and quit job or join office back.In case I decide to stay with him will it be possible for me to work again ever and when.How long will we stay at the current location.Thanks

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