Ancient ones, step up, it is time

Last June we presented an evening of dialogue with the spirit guides at the Belfry Theatre in Victoria.  The event was filmed with the intention of developing a documentary about Circles within Circles and our work bringing wisdom from spirit into the physical world.  The filmmaker Krista Loughton has used a small part of that footage to create a seven minute video on You Tube that shows Jane channeling that evening.  The footage focuses on a guide that calls himself Frank, quite a character actually, who speaks directly to the audience with a serious request.  This is a link to the video.

Jane Kennard Channeling “Frank” on YouTube

If you’re in or around Victoria, you may want to attend our upcoming event, “An Evening in the Circle with the Spirit Guides.”  On Saturday night Jane Kennard psychic channeler, will take the stage and invite the spirit guides to speak through her.  As in our previous evenings, we will be welcoming questions from the audience—but this time we’ll also be asking the guides to speak about the momentous events taking place today.

Tickets are $40 and can be purchased in advance at our website. They’ll also be available at the door.  We’re sorry but we are not set up to accept debit or credit card payments, so please come prepared to pay by cash or cheque.   Please join us in the circle with the spirit guides on Saturday, April 2nd at 7:30 pm at the Church of Truth, 111 Superior Street (in James Bay).


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Guided Meditation - Psychic Medium Jane Kennard Channeling Conversation with Spirit Guides YouTube Video

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  1. Elizabeth March 30, 2011 at 11:30 pm - Reply

    Jane what type of lipstick were you wearing! lol I didn’t know they could really get into the body and taste!
    Thank you for the link :)
    kiss kiss,

  2. H April 5, 2011 at 11:10 am - Reply

    Wow amazing to watch and great to see Jane and the Guides ‘in action’. A huge shame I am across the waters and unable to attend in person. Maybe one day.

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