Being the healer for yourself
Anonymous writes, “My doctor wants me to be on cholesterol meds but I feel resistant as I don’t have the belief system they are of healing. Can you please tell me what my body needs for healing and balance now? I love this blog.”
Your body needs joy. Your blessed body needs to be anointed with the finest oils and fed the purest food. When a body produces cholesterol it is trying very hard to maintain a balance that is difficult. Cholesterol, is a wonderful internal band-aid. Dearest one, if you could understand that the body sends this out to smooth things over. You are trying too hard to smooth all things over, dearest. Be for your own being, the healer. Love your being. Release the stress so that you do not need to smooth over everybody’s life, only yours. Make peace with your path. Do not fight against the beliefs of others. Accept that that is what they need and you seek that that you need. There are many ways in which cholesterol can be limited. But remember its purpose and what you are doing. You are a beautiful being.
I have been wondering about computers and technology in general lately. Do computers have a sort of soul, maybe a special type of energy? If so what is it, what does it look like? Does this makes sense? Like is there sacred geometry surrounding them or something? Is technology a good thing? And does “computer” energy surround a guy I know named Paul, who works with technology?
Also, random question…Am I too egoist? Am I a selfish person? Like what would you say my biggest faults are?
Thank you