When we choose from a soul level to walk with love and we are surrounded by others [...]
May asks how she can boost her self-confidence. She says she often feels she is not good [...]
A guide we refer to as the Professor shared the following: The most important thing is to [...]
Hello Helpers and Guides. Thank you for the work that you do. Why do I seem to [...]
Scarlet – Hello Guides, am feeling so very lonley. Lonely and tired. Tired of feeling lonely. Is [...]
Itsme11 – What should I do? I’m unsure of what I’m doing. I’m worried about everything. Oh [...]
Waronadipose – what is the best diet for my body to function optimally? You ask many beings this [...]
I feel a sense of worry and a lack of balance inside of me about things that [...]
Anni writes: I have a question about my own insecurities to reach for the things I know I [...]
Mary K writes: Thank you for all you do. It is so appreciated! I would like assistance with [...]
An excerpt from our June 15 Dialogue with Spirit Guides evening My house is for sale and [...]
Light being writes: I really need some clarity. I am feeling really drained energetically were I am [...]
Faith writes: Hello Guides, I am hoping to understand my relationship with anger- where does it come [...]
An excerpt from our recent Dialogue with Spirit Guides event in Vancouver I would like to ask [...]
I would like to know if you could give me some insight in how to [...]
Starlight writes: The last few years have been a big struggle for me in terms of career, [...]
Kelli writes: I am having a very difficult time trying to find a way to make a [...]
This Dee Girl writes: About three months ago, I met this guy online. We connected almost [...]
It’s Me 11 writes: Thank you so much guides and ladies for all the great advice. I [...]
Itsme11 writes: Hi guides, I wanted to know why I am the way I am. I feel [...]