Rebecca writes: I have a question about love and why it is so hard being human? If [...]
SP writes: I would like information on N. We had a brief incredible meeting, eyes met, speechless, [...]
Angele writes: So much has happened and is happening in my life, I am not even sure [...]
Nancy writes: I deeply love and respect and admire my husband on many different levels, but I [...]
Sarah writes: Dear spirit guides, There is one very important person that came into my life a [...]
Elizabeth writes: Dear Guides, I know my next step is to open the door to love someone [...]
Chanti writes: My dear guides, you have been so kind and patient with me to guide me [...]
Maurice writes: Dear freinds, I will have been single for four years. I try to find someone [...]
Tyler writes: I’m feeling hesitation and fear concerning going back to school, or having a part time [...]
Selo writes: What should be the necessary preparations for 2012? I find myself very worried about martial [...]
Mary writes: Hello, and thank you for all that you do. Your loving responses to people’s questions [...]
Question: Dear Spirit Guides, Thank you so much for the insight into my situation with my past [...]
Sahara Wind writes: Hello. The guides shared many years ago that I would meet a wonderful man [...]
“A friend” writes: Why am I so angry all of the time and find it very difficult [...]
Nighthawkof writes, “First off I want to thank the guides. It has been an immense help for [...]
Maurice writes, “I’m getting older and I can’t stand it! How can accept it? I’m not scared [...]
Question: Jenn writes, I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about 6 months. We have been very happy [...]
Maurice writes, “I feel very lonely! I don’t know why, because I’m not living alone, but I [...]
Kora writes, “What did/do i do to make D turn away? Is there anything i can do [...]
HL writes, “I have had one broken marriage earlier and am separated in the second marriage too, [...]