We have come full circle, the energies have aligned. Winter [...]
Many years ago now, I asked my Guide for a [...]
Blessed one... it is time to walk upon your physical plane in a gentler, more accepting way. To see that it has an energy, a soul you might say. To see that all things are energy. And you
Spirit Guide: Hello blessed ones. You will each feel a shift, [...]
WATCH VIDEO Sit in on this 37 minute conversation with [...]
An inquisitive person asked about dinosaurs. Here is how the [...]
Confucius say, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, [...]
National Geographic says: Sky-watchers who set their alarm clocks early [...]
A Prayer As I light this candle today, I ask [...]
It is believed that the females of most species are [...]
Jane: I ask in the name of the highest, the [...]
Do we come to this life as new souls and [...]
In the lifetime when Jesus was present, can you speak [...]
Circle Attendee: We want to have some questions that are [...]
Question: Are spirit guides involved in the life experiences of [...]