Question: I would like to ask if we can become conscious of past life experiences, and also [...]
Question: I have been a teacher and I have been wanting to do something else. There is a [...]
Many years ago now, I asked my Guide for a sign or symbol that I could use [...]
Mother: We’re coming to our festive time of Halloween, where we like to talk about… Spirit Guide: [...]
Question: What are some of the amazing changes happening for humans on our earth now that we [...]
What is the guidance on how to become open and aware… in order to help these beings?
Blessed one... it is time to walk upon your physical plane in a gentler, more accepting way. To see that it has an energy, a soul you might say. To see that all things are energy. And you
Spirit Guide: Hello blessed ones. You will each feel a shift, a change, at hand. Your states of being [...]
This is something my blessed guide said to me last week. After a meditation where I had [...]
Dear one, you are a very intuitive being and early, early in life the trauma that you [...]
Through Jane’s website, this person asked when she would begin to make money like others above her [...]
So many times, I’ve seen that haunted look in the eyes of someone in a crowd full [...]
Jane Kennard received this question from a young man who recently lost two of his best friends [...]
National Geographic says: Sky-watchers who set their alarm clocks early in June will be able to catch [...]
Jane: I ask in the name of the highest, the brightest, and the purest, for healing words, [...]
With so many evolved beings living here now does that bring more light to the planet, especially [...]
I believe this virus is an instrument for our growth. We are present in a time of [...]