A Spirit Guide’s message for the New Year: You dwell in a new world, so approach it [...]
Mother: We’re coming to our festive time of Halloween, where we like to talk about… Spirit Guide: [...]
Question: What are some of the amazing changes happening for humans on our earth now that we [...]
There are faeries, my dear. Everything is energy. What beings have called faeries or guides, they are often seen as orbs of light. Many beings often give them the form of
Spirit Guide: Hello blessed ones. You will each feel a shift, a change, at hand. Your states of being [...]
This is something my blessed guide said to me last week. After a meditation where I had [...]
Sent in through my website, this person’s question asked, “What is my soul’s purpose and life’s path?” [...]
National Geographic says: Sky-watchers who set their alarm clocks early in June will be able to catch [...]
My question is about the person that came into my life a few years ago with such [...]
“Know that it doesn’t matter what domain you call your career. Your true task at hand for [...]
It is believed that the females of most species are the life-givers, the nurturers, the healers. There [...]
I believe this virus is an instrument for our growth. We are present in a time of [...]
Jane shared that after a session she feels complete love. Is this state available for all of us? [...]
A guide speaks about a relationship with a mother who has passed over My mom passed some [...]
We asked the guide speak about the concept of manifestation and “like attracts like”. People have this [...]
Timia Timia writes: Greetings Guides. Who is this person messing with me and why? I took a [...]
Do my guides have anything to share with me right now that will help me along my [...]
Guides, I do not have a child yet but planning to…. Did you mean I should not [...]