A guide talks about what happened in Paris and how we can move forward We were talking [...]
An exchange with a guide from our evening with Jane and the spirit guides at Goward House [...]
A guide’s answer reveals that pain in the body manifests a need for emotional healing For a [...]
A guide speaks to those feeling overwhelmed by negative information May I ask, with all the negativity [...]
We spoke to the guides about global warming and how our world is going to be left, with [...]
Truth Seeker – Dear Guides, was the Building 7 Tower at the World Trade Center during 9/11 [...]
Guide – What is this time that you are sensing, that you and the rest of your [...]
I know that difficulties we face are for our growth, but I’m feeling overwhelmed in my life [...]
Wondering one writes: I would like the guides’ advice about how the western world, and we as [...]
The guides that Jane channels talk about the journey of many lifetimes that souls have to go through [...]
Marilyn – I’m having difficulty with my health. When I awake in the morning I feel well. [...]
We’ve asked the guides to share a weekly message to assist us in seeing what is in our [...]
Can the guides please give me some guidance on my current living situation? I am mentally ready [...]
Timia Timia writes: Dear Guides, What do I need to do? I was told I will receive [...]
Click here for the audio message: Hope I will tell you that hope and trust are as strong [...]
Oh blessed one, I’m not surprised you’re weary of it. You have endured trauma in many ways, [...]
I’m trying to understand this Overturn. From what I gather we are being asked to be our [...]
Joanna – When people send in questions with nothing more than a name which may or may [...]
E – Dear Guides, My son went missing a year ago, and my daughter died three months [...]
J – Dear guides, my living situation has become extremely uncomfortable. I go back and forth whether [...]