We’ve asked the spirit guides if they can assist us with some “tools” that we can use in [...]
Hello fellow loved ones, I am writing to ask a question that is on many light workers [...]
Oh blessed one, I’m not surprised you’re weary of it. You have endured trauma in many ways, [...]
Joanna – When people send in questions with nothing more than a name which may or may [...]
Words from the high guide that often comes to us to respond to people’s questions. Kirsten asked, [...]
This is part 2 of the quide’s answer to a recent question about the connection between mental [...]
Sara – What can you tell me about mental health disorders and spirit? Thank-you. The guide’s message [...]
Oh how wonderful, an opportunity to say: bless you all. Seek. Ask and ask and ask and [...]
I am imagining Jane, or any channel, as the medium for your messages. Can you speak about [...]
I am very curious about ‘medical intuition’—! Can you describe a guide’s sense of someone’s somatic state? [...]
This discussion is a continuation from the posts below. A group of university classmates posed these questions [...]
The information brought forth, is it coming just from you or from beyond you? While I dwell [...]
A group of university classmates posed these questions to the guide(s) as part of a project on [...]
I have two amazing kids and believe they are old souls. Is there spiritual growth happening for [...]
K – What are our guides doing while we are not growing like when we are asleep [...]
We learn lessons here inside out and upside down through many lifetimes. Is there a point where [...]
Sahara – I’ve been seeking to find my inner power in this life. Can you comment on [...]
The season is fall going into winter. But you are talking about the Christian belief and the [...]
Here’s Jane’s message for you at this special time of year: My wish for all of you [...]
Nicole – Dear Guides,please can you tell me if I have a spirit guide(s). I have been [...]