Curious1 writes: Dear Guides, a clairvoyant recently told me that in the near future I will have [...]
What is the purpose of all of this evolving? To evolve is a natural order. It is [...]
Ahh, when it is like sailing with the wind, flowing with the river, feeling at peace you [...]
This message is a continuation of the conversation posted below with the same guide. When we have [...]
How can Circle participants hear the words in a written form and absorb the vibrational connection of [...]
Here’s another conversation from a long-ago channeling session. What is the purpose of all of this evolving? [...]
I’m having trouble with perception and seeing clearly in my life. I need some help on how [...]
Funtastic asked for clarification on suicide. The guides said that those who committed suicide would have to [...]
SWIM – I cant wait to communicate with spirit! I am asking for your help. How can [...]
Adrian – Hello, I want to contract my angels and my spirit guides. I’m not good at [...]
Sayloe – I was reflecting the other day and it came to me that I don’t think [...]
Grommie – I believe there is a spirit, possibly an ancestor of mine, who channels anger through [...]
I am feeling frustrated with my life and feel like somehow I’ve stepped back spiritually. My life [...]
Can you talk to us about when we pass over and leave our bodies, what is it [...]
More dialogue from our June 15 event How do we know whether we are connecting with a [...]
Blue Violet is asking if all people are born with empathy or is it learned? She asks [...]
SWIMM – Hello and thank you all for sharing all that you do. Please tell me about [...]
Waronadipose writes: I was raised Christian and still, as far as religions go, this is still the [...]
SWIM – In reference to the books of the bible and other ancient writings…. why were these [...]
Another guide said that “the past is in the past”” what does that mean? What was that [...]