There were many reports from different areas around the world about strange sounds which appeared to [...]
RW writes: I’m not really sure what to ask here….my whole life has completely changed just recently [...]
An excerpt from our New Years Gathering with the Spirit Guides in early January. Joanna: Welcome. Are [...]
BJ writes: I have recently retired from a job that brought much gratification into my life. I [...]
I think maybe people who read these questions and answers don’t really understand how it is the [...]
Helene writes, Dear Ones, I am wondering how to navigate the somewhat harsh environment that is my [...]
It is difficult when you are separated in bodies–that that you have manufactured to be present in. [...]
It is the quiet, still voice that is heard long after the battle is over. Know this [...]
A short excerpt from our April 2nd Evening with the Spirit Guides. This was at the very [...]
What do the guides do for us? Entities, beings that have experienced the physical life and can [...]
Funtastic writes: Dear Guides please provide clarification to some of the things that you stated in the [...]
For the Teaching for May here is a conversation with a very high guide about how to [...]
What is it to be holy you wonder. Is a saint holy? Is an eagle holy? Is [...]
Funtastic writes: Much light and love to you all. I have a friend named Venita. She is [...]
K writes: Hello, I am wondering if more than one family member can be communicating with the [...]
Bubby writes: Dear Guides, I’m searching for clarity, and I realize I am going through a growth [...]
Kora writes: I would like to know why I have so many dreams about the house. Why [...]
SWIM writes: I recently began learning more about meditation. I wasn’t surprised when I when I realized [...]
Mary writes: I have always felt incredibly sensitive to other people’s energies. I feel like I am [...]
Kdseeman writes: Dear Guides, I have a question about guardian angels. I’ve been told by two different [...]