At this darkest time of the year when we pause to celebrate the returning of the light [...]
Ann-Marie writes: Hi, just a quick question. I always see the number 22. When i check the [...]
Jennifer writes: Dearest guides, I am having difficulty with the sensitivities that I have. I am especially [...]
JMK writes: Thank you so much for your wisdom and guidance. I have taken measures to reduce [...]
Barbara asks, “Will the person you send light and love to know where it is coming from? [...]
Veerle asks about the purpose of it all. She says, “I still don’t understand why we come [...]
Tyler asks, “Can you give any insight into the relevance of the 11:11 phenomena and it’s relationship [...]
Funtastic commented on the post, “In regard to the “Perspective on Events in the USA.” She [...]
Funtastic comented on the post, “In regard to the “Perspective on Events in the USA.” She or [...]
Funtastic asks about the truth of some ideas he’s heard. He says, “Hi Jane and Joanna. Thank [...]
Funtastic asks about what is truth. He says, “Hi Jane and Joanna. Thank you for this blog. [...]
Liindenn M.P. wonders how the brain works. She asks, “Why is it that scientists and neurologists can [...]
I have been curious lately about developing my abilities and am interested in becoming a channel. As [...]
Jeanette asks is about spirituality. She is struggling in the spiritual realm and wants to know what [...]
Glennis writes to say that she appreciates this blog as a service to those in need. She [...]
This is a continuation of the conversation I posted on Sunday about oneness. While you dwell in [...]
KF asks about what we call coincidences—like when people think about another person and then within a [...]
Cheryl is interested in knowing if there are universal laws. In your dimension there are laws due [...]
Andrea wonders if animals can reincarnate as different animals, specifically horses to dogs. No, each is on [...]