Son writes, “Dear Spirit Guides, I recently had a powerful meeting with someone that I cannot understand. [...]
Violets writes, “Before you disregard this post, please consider this question seriously because I truly am asking [...]
Andrea wonders about a past life connection with her friend’s son. She went to visit the friend [...]
Question: Helen asks for clarification of the Guides’ previous response. She says, please can you explain which specific [...]
Purple Pirouette writes, “I met someone recently and I’m sure I must have had a past life [...]
Helen says she feels a deep connection to someone she first met about 12 years ago. She [...]
Question: I have a question about dreams I have been having. For about five years now I have [...]
Jennifer asks about past lives. She says, “I wonder if you can tell me how past [...]
Jennifer had a question about her past lives. She says, “I’m wondering if you could tell [...]
Lindsay wonders if you could tell her who she was in one of her past lives that [...]
Lindsay wonders if you could tell her who she was in one of her past lives [...]
Someone calling himself “I Have Made Mixtakes”asks about a relationship and a past life connection. He says, [...]
Someone calling himself “I Have Made Mixtakes” asks about a relationship and a past life connection. He [...]
Question: I know “soulmate” is just a term we use to describe soul connections in the physical [...]
LS writes, “When I was a child of about 7 years, I had a reccuring dream for [...]
Jennifer is asking for clarification about who her guides are. She says, “I feel as though there [...]
FS asks for guidance about swinging from feeling very strong to wanting to hide. She asks, “Am [...]
Stacy asks about her relationship with her father. She says, “Recently my father has made some decisions [...]
Elizabeth asked about how to proceed with Craig, a man she has recognized from a past life. [...]
A young woman calling herself “Hopelessly Devoted” asks about the connection she feels to a boy. She [...]