KF asks about her experiences with two birds. She says, “Hello, can you please tell me what [...]
Cathy asks about her horse. She says they have brought home a new horse, named Seirian and [...]
Are we doing the animals a favour when we help them pass over, or are we just [...]
I have a question from KF who says she has a raven close by and intense dreams [...]
Cheryl asked about the health of her cat. She says he developed stomach problems about a year [...]
Michael asked about the welfare of his dog. He says that the dog is wary around strangers, [...]
Andrea from Italy asks about her puppy LadyBird who was poisoned. She had a strong bond with [...]
Lynne asked about a pony named Spotlight. He’s been lethargic and perhaps sad. A creature of habit [...]
Nicki asked about her cat who recently passed away. She believes he was he reincarnation of a [...]
Vonna asked about her cat Louise, who is very unique and special. When she and the cat [...]
Andrea wonders if animals can reincarnate as different animals, specifically horses to dogs. No, each is on [...]
Question: Are spirit guides involved in the life experiences of other organisms besides humans on our earth? [...]