Spiritually Radiant writes: Dear Guides, please show me the meaning and purpose of my connection with R. [...]
Moe 40 writes: Hi friends! how are you? Only wanna know if i will find a good [...]
BJ – I really need some clarity in my life and hope desperately that you are [...]
I believe it is the strongest thing you can do in your physical world to love yourself. [...]
Cheenu writes: Hi, I am a very touchy person. I take things on my heart and then [...]
Terry Davis writes: I am so hoping for clarity. Please ask your spirit guides for guideance to [...]
The Artist writes: What are your recommendations for treatment and recovery? The guide’s response: Oh you, my [...]
A friend – Please can I ask a general question re: self love, sharing of light & the [...]
Beside Myself writes: My dearest guides I am beside myself and need your guidance so badly. Please [...]
Jude – my question is so all-encompassing that I don’t even know how to reduce it. My [...]
A conversation with a guide on the topic of asking questions or asking for help. I’ve been [...]
Someone who calls herself “Doesn’t Matter” sent in a question about her very difficult life and circumstances. [...]
Sandy writes: I met a man, “C”, two years ago under rather extraordinary circumstances (some would call [...]
Could you talk a little bit about the balance between self-care and care of others. What I’m [...]
Cheenu writes: Thanks for guiding me. I consider myself blessed to discover one great saint, Sai Baba, [...]
Barbara writes: I seem to experience moments of uncertainty, feeling terribly antsy, wakefulness throughout the night but [...]
Jo asks: Will I be financially better off this year? Also do you see me retiring in [...]
Christina Hello dear angels and guides. Where do you see me 6 months from now? What kind [...]
Anon writes: Can you tell me about my spirit guides who are with me now? If they [...]
Cheenu writes: I keep thinking of past events and dread the future. I am suffering from a [...]