Nicole – Dear Guides,please can you tell me if I have a spirit guide(s). I have been [...]
From spirit, I tell you you are loved. I want you to feel the warmth around you. [...]
I seem to be in turmoil right now about who my guides are as I have not [...]
You are here aren’t you? (gentle laughter). Who do you think got you here? Yes, my dear, [...]
Hello all – On September 13, 2013 Jane and the spirit guides were invited to share an [...]
Levi writes: I often feel quite shaky in my stomach area, and my voice shakes. This happens [...]
Linds – Hello Guides. It has been a difficult 3 years for me in terms of health, spirituality, [...]
Moon – Jane thank-you. Bless all of you. I realized that every moment in all our lives- past, [...]
Galaxy angel – Dearest Guide, Thank you for taking my question. I am finally ready to open myself [...]
Funtastic – Are demons real? Can a person be demon possessed? If not, what is occurring? Guide – [...]
Jan writes: For all these years I felt in the back of my mind that one [...]
Growing Soul is asking “Who are the light workers and what is their purpose?” They are beings [...]
Greetings from Jane Kennard and her group of helpers. You may have already noticed our new addition [...]
We’re looking forward to meeting with the guides next week to bring forward the questions you’ve [...]
Colin writes: Hi. I’m just taking a chance here, but is there anyone who can tell me [...]
Elizabeth asks: Why is it that I see future events? Is it to make it easier to [...]
First Guide – How pleasant, how wondrous. We only speak to you to aid you on your [...]
Is there a hierarchy in spirit where the guides exist? Hello. We too are each of our [...]
Do you have any messages for us before we start with questions? Those of us of the [...]
Growing Soul – Can the guides throw more light on out of body experiences and what would [...]