Maurice writes: Hi there. I have a (weird) question to ask. I always thought that I have [...]
Scooterish writes: Well, I’m really needing more of this tool called money, and I’m working on it. [...]
SWIM – In reference to the books of the bible and other ancient writings…. why were these [...]
Hello, at your Evening with the Guides on Jan 6th, one of the guides who came through [...]
Hello. I am one of many, how can I help? Joanna – what do you mean one [...]
I believe it is the strongest thing you can do in your physical world to love yourself. [...]
A recent conversation between a high guide and three people about other parts of our universe. Our [...]
Sherri: I’d like to ask about the spiritual path I’ve been on, especially the last six [...]
L – In my twenties I had a premonition about my sister’s death. I was quite psychic [...]
This is an excerpt from our recent evening with the spirit guides in Victoria. On January 6th, [...]
RGP writes: I had a big “spiritual breakdown” recently. My head was spinning, my heart chakra expanded [...]
Shoshanna writes: Thank you so much for this gift! What can I do about all of these [...]
H writes: Money is very tight at the moment (as I know is the case for all) [...]
Zephhr – Guides of light, can you please teach about how our thoughts impact or co-create our [...]
A conversation about spirit guides from our September 16th evening. Hello to you my dearest ones, beings [...]
At our recent Circles event, an audience member asked why some of the guides’ answers were so [...]
Joanna: Funtastic is asking about prayer. She wrote a very long question about how she relates to [...]
I have a question about my personal guides and about guides in general. Do we have the [...]
Listen to your inner voice. Listen to all voices. Hear their truth. Open your heart. Hear them. [...]
What do the guides do for us? Entities, beings that have experienced the physical life and can [...]