RMW asks about dreams. She says, “I am very much confused about dreams. When we sleep [...]
Kirk asks for more information about who these spirit guides are. He says, ” I have never [...]
Pam Case writes, “The other evening a call came in from a ‘private’ caller. Usually I do [...]
Pam Case writes, “The other evening a call came in from a ‘private’ caller. Usually I do [...]
Lindsay ask about the meaning of a symbol from her spirit guide. She says, “I recently asked [...]
Stuart Allan from Scotland asks about negative spirits. He says, “I’m having problems with negative spirits in [...]
I have been curious lately about developing my abilities and am interested in becoming a channel. As [...]
Ginger asks about deja vu. She says, “I’ve recently experienced one that felt foreboding. I think [...]
Alida wonders why she cannot get close to her spirit guide. She says, “My spirit guide, One [...]
Pam asks about her four year old granddaughter, Lauren. The little girl talks about “Johnny” telling [...]
How do the guides identify who is posting a question on this blog? I am part [...]
Jennifer is asking for clarification about who her guides are. She says, “I feel as though there [...]
Serendipity says, “I really have tried to get in touch wih my soul, my life through the [...]
Kelli was a member of the audience at our November event at UVic. She says that [...]
This question is from one who gave no name. “I understand there are many ways to channel. [...]
Emily says, “My daughter was killed when hit by a truck when she was 12 years [...]
Someone who gave no name says, “in moments of stillness I hear wind. It is wonderful, but [...]
Anonymous asks about an experience at a meeting to resolve a conflict when she was suddenly [...]
Jennifer asks about the difficult relationship she has with her family. She says, “We are no longer [...]
This question is from Nastassja. She says her mother committed suicide in 2006 and she is [...]