We have come full circle, the energies have aligned. Winter or summer solstice, the energies have stopped [...]
It is very wondrous that those that still have the memories are given the attention to continue [...]
There are faeries, my dear. Everything is energy. What beings have called faeries or guides, they are often seen as orbs of light. Many beings often give them the form of
Spirit Guide: Hello blessed ones. You will each feel a shift, a change, at hand. Your states of being [...]
An inquisitive person asked about dinosaurs. Here is how the Guide replied: Like many of the landforms, [...]
Many people are worried about material things, so we asked the Guides, why can Human Beings be [...]
National Geographic says: Sky-watchers who set their alarm clocks early in June will be able to catch [...]
Each of you has beings that help you. Whether you choose to speak with them or not, [...]
With so many evolved beings living here now does that bring more light to the planet, especially [...]
A conversation with a spirit guide about our world and what’s ahead for us We keep hearing [...]
A discussion about the readings of Edgar Cayce and the accuracy of his information I am very [...]
Tell the blessed beings that are present now in your world that this is a time of [...]
Now I have a question about drugs. There are many people in this city and cities all [...]
A guide talks about homelessness (part 2 of 2) I know some of the people in this [...]
An exchange with a guide from our evening with Jane and the spirit guides at Goward House [...]
A high guide speaks about the learning and growth our planet offers us How can it be [...]
This is how I live, perhaps you would choose to live the same. What could be used [...]
A guide speaks about our responsibility for actions for the greater good. I watched the film Chasing [...]
Nepal recently suffered a massive earthquake as the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate continue to collide. [...]
The earth has been talking to you for a long time I’ve seen videos of strange sounds [...]