
Children experiencing problems at school

Suzanne asked for help with her parenting. Her son is struggling with focusing on required school tasks and she wants to know how Spirit views this.

Spirit Guide’s Reply:
This child is an amazing being. Much pressure has been put on him to be more than what he is prepared to be at this time. This child needs to play, to have fun, to giggle, to laugh. There are so many expectations and such deep love this one has for both parents. Wishing never to disappoint but needing a form in which to be free, to run like a wild, untamed being of great strength that he is. Tell the parents to not be afraid of this time, to embrace it. See it as a time for them to find some joy, some light, some love. They are filled with guilt, burdening this one on things that have nothing to do with him. Expression is an important part of this being. They have always taught him that and now that he is expressing in this way, they pull back with fear of what he expresses. Be not so afraid of him. Know that the centre of this being is filled with light and love and has great desire to grow forward but is frustrated by the stupidity of some of the beings that surround him. Be not afraid of them. I know, you want him to fit into a society that has certain expectations and norms. Well, I want you to see this child’s world is not the same as yours. He has different understanding of it and needs to express it. Give him time, give him space and most of all trust in his own ability to know what is right for him.

This frightens parents to hear this. They feel they do not have the control. Please do not see it as a control, but allowing a beautiful thing to shine, to be. Tell them to not condemn the child. Understand the child. Perhaps it is needed to come home, to be taught at home. Understand that the great need for this one to shine is within him as well. Parents worry a great deal. Trust is needed.

Circle Attendee:
The guide’s answer made me think of the great numbers of children in school now who are actually taking drugs to control their behaviour. So I asked why so many children these days are experiencing this attention deficit or hyperactivity?

Spirit Guide:
It is an interesting thing that these ancient systems should still be trying to contain evolved beings. These are evolved beings that are coming into your world. They are very much surpassing the old system of teaching. And yet these beings are highly charged energy and need very different growth. Compassion. They shouldn’t be taught in great numbers, but singularly. They shouldn’t be drugged for that is only harming the great spirits that they be. I know, it is a difficult time to dwell in the physical world. Overturn of souls means changing all the old rules, the old books don’t fit. It is not chaos. It is calmly realizing that there is great growth at hand. And that these beings can teach what is needed, if you are still enough and hear what is being said.

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  1. Kristine Geldart October 16, 2007 at 12:19 pm - Reply

    Wow! This was not my concern but I am a parent and will keep this advice handy for the future!

  2. Melissa July 16, 2019 at 12:22 pm - Reply

    i just read all of your posts on “parenting” and i’m so amazed by this response, thank you!!!!

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