Concern about an aging cat

Ruth Anne asks about her cat Misha who has developed asthma.  Ruth Anne can’t bear the thought of losing this cat.  The cat is 11 years old.  She asks if there is anything else they can do.    

Don’t believe it is asthma.  Dearest Ruth Anne, your little one has lived a long time and has brought you great joy.  Be in that joy and love.  Do not be over-anxious.  It is hard sometimes to accept that some creatures do not live as long as you might, but that their process is just as important.  Love this little one; you are the best healer for this little one.  And trust that all is well.

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  1. raz7 December 20, 2009 at 7:19 am - Reply

    Thanks so much for your reply about my kitty Misa-see Nov.23.09. Our dear sweet Misa suddenly passed away last evening. My husband found her downstairs-we had been watching the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”. We have received so much love and joy from this wonderful cat, whom we call our daughter. We have given her so much love back and we have cherished every minute of her presence. Now, in our grief all we can think about how much we will miss her. I know she’ll still be with us in spirit but we’ll miss the chance to talk to her, stroke her unbelievsbly soft coat and just cuddle her. If she has any messages for us, we will really appreciate to hear them. Many thanks, blessed be.Ruth Anne

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