Concern for a grandson’s well being

SweetHello dear guides – lately my young grandson seems to be in need of extra TLC.  He he has been quite clingy when we share time together. This little one had several skin infections in the last few months.  The doctors keep prescribing antibiotics but don’t know what the condition actually is despite many tests.  Can you bring some guidance as to what is going on?

They are looking at the physical instead of the emotional state.  This child is fearful.  This child wants attention, but loving and gentle attention.  This child feels like a burden.

He is a very evolved being.  Like the canary in the coal mine this one is telling that the situation that this one lives in is not happy, or healthy one.  Good food, laughter, love, gentle hugs and touches, kisses.  Love is so important to heal this being.

It is an auto-immune disorder that he is experiencing.  You could call it psoriasis, you could call it many different names.  But it is a fight between the heart and the head that occurs. The body is manifesting to receive attention.  He is looking for unconditional love from both his mother and father.

Tell the mother it is known that her early life was very difficult. That she did not receive the love that she needed even though there was an expectation of her to love back and have respect.  She was not treated gently and lovingly.  In many ways her responses now with her child is what she received.

But she does know in the depth of her understanding that she came to a new place to find love and gentleness and still has not found it.  But instead of finding it for herself and being gentle and loving she, in fact, is very hard on herself.   She does many things over the expectation of what is necessary. She needs to see what is important isn’t necessarily, although it is important to have a job and make money.  But what is important is the love that she has within herself for herself and for her child and to bathe the child in the light and love that is needed.

This child came to teach her about love, about acceptance, about not being judgmental, about being tender and loving, and that weakness is one of the greatest strengths of being human.

This mother has made choices that created great opportunities for love and growth.  It is up to this being to see it, to grow into it, to love.

She sees your belief in the spiritual understanding as a waste of time and weakness, that it achieves nothing in the physical domain. Surround her with light and love.  Tell her that you will always be there for her and your blessed child and hold his beautiful little face and tell him how you love him and in knowing that he will be stronger.

Don’t be afraid, blessed grandmother.  Don’t be afraid.  Fill that space with love. And when you sit and think and feel empty, open your heart and all of the love that you have for all, send it to them. It is an action that will help you to release all of that fear.  Bless you my child.

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  1. bj September 20, 2014 at 7:08 pm - Reply

    I would like to know more about promises made between two souls. And if a promise is not achieved why was it made?

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