Creating space for yourself and your life’s path

Helen writes, “What do I need to do to become financially independent, and get a home for me and my son.  Should I look for another job or in the current climate stay where I am although I do not enjoy it.  The hours and money suit but I feel like a failure for not standing on my own two feet.  Life has been joyless for so many years and I find it hard to break out of this circle.  I do appreciate that I am lucky in so many ways with a good family and health, etc.  Any advice would be great.

We are posting two answers to Helen’s question here, as we inadvertently asked it of two different guides.  The first answer is from the professor and the second from the female guide.

Who am I?  How do I get independent?  In other words, the world is too much for me.  No, dear, the world is not too much for you.  But you are trying to do too much for it.  Be.  Be that that you are, a radiant being.  It seems I say this over and over again, but take time.  Dearest child, this is your first responsibility after yourself.  Teach this one to find his bliss.  Teach this one about bliss.  It is not a stable life or a home.  It is about accepting who you be.  How does that translate in a world with so many demands and expectations?  Actually, quite easily. That you don’t buy into the needs or the expectations of a society that truly pulls away from the spiritual life.  She holds within her hands her future child.  Enjoy it.  Let the work be a sideline.  Let her life’s path, her love, her joy, be her path.  Ask for herself that she be supported so she can do her work.  And, at this time it is her child.  Bless you my dearest one.

Do you not know how magnificent you are blessed one?  You are a chameleon.  You fit the bill.  You do whatever is necessary to make ends meet.  I am not surprised now that you are feeling there is another calling.  Your choice, your truth.  This is what you seek. It doesn’t mean that it needs to be denied completely so that others can have their needs met.  You have the ability to seek and do exactly what you need to do and still fill all of these other things. It is true the energies will be great and you will have to do a good deal to fulfill it all. What do you want to do?  To wander through an amazing garden, to take time to hear others laughter, to not be the one to do all of the work.  Dearest, dearest, take a moment to see the wonder of what you have created.  In this miraculous world and life you have created, see that you can create something for you.  Something that fills a part of you.You are a very evolved being.  Spiritually you have helped many.  Trust in this and it shall be.

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  1. Andrea July 28, 2010 at 3:06 pm - Reply


    I was wondering about a past life connection with my friend’s son.

    I recently visited her and her family in the UK and had only met her first child once as a baby, but over the years sent him little toys etc in the mail. My mom and I went to visit them this spring and I spent much time with the little boy walking through shops and playing with his toys. I love their whole family, but it was the hardest to leave him. I actually cried in the car as we left. Which all seems strange as I have only met him twice, and his mom and I have know each other for over 13 years and I would have thought leaving her would have been harder.

    It has been suggested to me that we had a past life connection and this would make sense to me, considering how I felt.

    If you don’t mind, could you clarify this for me? It suddenly occurred to me to ask you today.

    With much thanks and appreciation!


  2. Violets July 29, 2010 at 1:06 am - Reply


    Before you disregard this post, please consider this question seriously because I truly am asking it in utter seriousness. Also, if you are squeamish, please be wary as this question is kind of gross…

    What I want to know is…Why am I so obsessed with popping pimples, picking scabs and draining pus from wounds? Whenever I have a wound that is infected or see someone with an infected wound, a pimple or scab, I become very intent on cleaning out the pus. I almost feel like an animal, I have this need to clean out wounds until they are free of infection.

    I know it sounds weird, I’m not a sadist and have never hurt anyone. But I’m just very interested in wound care and pimple popping. Can you explain why? It’s like this visceral drive I have, it’s very powerful.

    Thank you, I hope you can answer my question.

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