Exploring travel and creativity with financial support

TravelStarburst – I have made a decision to move into retirement in spring of 2014 and to travel. As a means to fulfill myself, I would like to do something creative to express myself and hopefully get paid . Do you know of anything that would be a good creative match for me?

Guide – I find it very confusing that you ask this when you know yourself there are many ways.  That you could perhaps take up a different way.  Being very intuitive, you could counsel, this you could definitely do. You have always done it anyway.  You need to decide how much energy you wish to put into it, then allow it to be.  Allow yourself the freedom to be.  You always like to follow rules and regulations; it’s time to put them away and follow you.

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  1. Curious1 September 2, 2013 at 11:45 am - Reply

    Dear guides, what is my body trying to tell me? My hair has been rapidly shrinking for the past 6 months and straightening it is not helping. This is very frustrating as I have always had healthy hair but for some strange reason it never grows. I have also been suffering with stomach & chest pains which wake me during the night. They are very painful and I do not know why this acid reflux (?) is frequently happening. Please can you give me some advice as I feel like I am falling apart lately, plus feel old & weary.

    Many thanks.

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