Finding your own wonder — and communicating it

Jo has been trying since last year to change jobs.  She says, “I get lots of interviews but never get the job.  What am I doing wrong?  I am very unhappy in my job and wonder if it is my age that is stopping people from wanting to employ me (I am 52).  I have even applied for jobs working more hours, with less pay as things are that bad. They are all in a similar field to what I do now. Please can you give me some advice.

Quite honestly, my dearest one, you are telling the universe that you are not worth having the job or being paid overtime, or being noticed.  How to stop that?  You have to stop all things and spend some good bit of time with yourself and realize why you are conveying this message to others that you are not worthy, that you are not the most special, wonderful thing that they need for their place of opportunity.

So, how to find this?  Firstly, look upon your image and say how truly amazing you are.  See yourself in the whole of the picture, how you honestly want to help others.  You have you have given advice, you have assisted them and yet when it comes time to speak about your own worth, you feel frightened, your heart races, you feel unworthy, you do not look the person in the eye. That is not who you are.  That is an attitude you attained from an early part of your life.  What do you say in your world?  It is time for an attitude adjustment.  It is time to understand that you are magnificent.    You are the best friend of any being that was and now you must be your own best friend. You must be the best parent of you, the best mother of you, the best lover of you for that is what you want to reflect.

There is nothing wrong with you my dear.  You just got a message along the way that you aren’t that wonderful.  But you are!  To readjust you have to go into those squeaky, rusty old cogs of your being and grease them with love and shine them up.  And express all of the wonder that you are in these moments of interviews.  And when someone asks you to work overtime, you can say, “Perhaps not tonight as I need rest for my being.  But if you value that that I do enough, then you will tell me so in a way I will appreciate it.”   Say it.  That is not offensive.   That is self love.

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  1. Jo July 4, 2010 at 2:27 pm - Reply

    Thank you. I do feel tired and unappreciated and will try and make more time for myself. I really hope that I find a new job soon. Jo x

  2. Ferne Klepacki July 5, 2010 at 3:05 pm - Reply

    My question for the guides: Is there a momentous change coming in the year 2010 to earth and all of us?

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