First love and promises

A young woman calling herself “Hopelessly Devoted” asks about the connection she feels to a boy. She says, “There’s this boy, because there’s always a boy, and I feel like… like maybe we are meant to be. Yet, we never seem to be on the same page. We never really have expressed our feelings clearly. Sometimes I’m just convinced that we are meant for each other, but then I’ll re-think it and start to think maybe it’s just a fantasy I’ve built up in my mind. I just can’t seem to get over him. In all fairness… I’m only 20. But I’ve felt this way for multiple years. Every time I see him now, I get all floopy and fall down and it feels like I’ve been hit by a truck. i don’t know, I just don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t seem to move on. I don’t even know how I feel anymore. Is it always this hard to get over first loves?

Blessed, blessed being. You are in love with love. You are a romantic and you love life and you love all of the senses that it gives you. Never, never be uncomfortable with this. Find love and laughter and life in all things you see. Yes, this being has known you before and you him. He is not in any position or awareness to have the same awareness or sensations that you have.

You are a very wise and forward moving being. Love yourself in all of your wonder. First love, my dearest one. You love all things and all beings. You are an amazing being. You will find yourself working with other human beings to help them, to heal them. Why not, you want it to be.

Accept where he is at this time. Will it be more in time? If he grows and moves forward. If not, you will move forward. Know that you will always find love my child. There is never just one for one being. Some come with a very ancient knowing of another. There are always promises.
And you my dear have many promises. Promises are tasks of learning, a purpose for being there, to complete, to balance. You have a knowledge of the growth that you need.

So this young woman has promises with many beings. Often we have a belief that that we are to have one partner for a lifetime.

Many times in your world the understanding of promises is as a life-long vow. If you choose this, it is for for yourself and not for the other.

So you are only responsible for your part of the promise.


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  1. lakeviewer July 23, 2009 at 3:34 pm - Reply

    Hi. Thanks for visiting me and jumping in the conversation on health care. I am inspired by your words on this post.

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